We obviously fulfill the obligations of the battery law (BattG)
As the end user, you are legally under obligation to return used batteries. You can return old batteries, which offer or have offered in ournew battery assortment, free of charge to our dispatch warehouse (dispatch address). The symbols showed on the batteries have thefollowing meaning
battery-direct GmbH & Co. KG
Unteres Neufeld 10
DE-76669 Bad Schönborn
Or dispense them at a different collection point nearby. Adresses of appropiate collection points can be obtained through your city-council or local government.
Batteries may contain material which is damaging for the environment and human health. Special care is required due to the special risks involved with the handling of lithium batteries. It is the aim to avoide through the separate collection and recovery of the old batteries and accumulators negative effects on the environment and human health.
The symbol of the crossed-out dustbin means that the battery may not be discarded with the household waste.

Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004 percent by mass of Lead
Cd = Battery contains more than 0.002 percent by mass of Cadmium
Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005 percent by mass of Mercury
Please pay attention to the above instructions.
Please evitate the emergence of waste from the old batteries as far as possible, for example prefering batteries with a long life span or favouring rechargable batteries. Please evitate litter polution of public spaces by carelessly leaving batteries or battery-containing electrical and electronic devices lying around. Furthermore please verify the options of instead of disposing a battery to be recycled, for example through reconditioning or maintenance.